• Download the Safe Exam Browser. This button redirects to the configured download location for Safe Exam Browser, default is Launch the Safe Exam Browser, which applies the settings and sends the students to the quiz starting page.
  • Opera – An older name, Opera is one of the best browsers for Mac in 2020 as it is fast and smooth.
  • Secure Exam Browser for Online Assessments. This Secure Exam Browser is designed to help ensure the integrity and safety of an online assessment. By using the secure browser, the genuine test takers get the benefit of being fairly rewarded for their efforts and performance.

Unlike the software developed for Windows system, most of the applications installed in Mac OS X generally can be removed with relative ease. Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 is a third party application that provides additional functionality to OS X system and enjoys a popularity among Mac users. However, instead of installing it by dragging its icon to the Application folder, uninstalling Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 may need you to do more than a simple drag-and-drop to the Trash.

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When installed, Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 creates files in several locations. Generally, its additional files, such as preference files and application support files, still remains on the hard drive after you delete Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 from the Application folder, in case that the next time you decide to reinstall it, the settings of this program still be kept. But if you are trying to uninstall Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 in full and free up your disk space, removing all its components is highly necessary. Continue reading this article to learn about the proper methods for uninstalling Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2.

Manually uninstall Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 step by step:

Most applications in Mac OS X are bundles that contain all, or at least most, of the files needed to run the application, that is to say, they are self-contained. Thus, different from the program uninstall method of using the control panel in Windows, Mac users can easily drag any unwanted application to the Trash and then the removal process is started. Despite that, you should also be aware that removing an unbundled application by moving it into the Trash leave behind some of its components on your Mac. To fully get rid of Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 from your Mac, you can manually follow these steps:

1. Terminate Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 process(es) via Activity Monitor

Before uninstalling Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2, you’d better quit this application and end all its processes. If Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 is frozen, you can press Cmd +Opt + Esc, select Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 in the pop-up windows and click Force Quit to quit this program (this shortcut for force quit works for the application that appears but not for its hidden processes).

Safe Exam Browser 2.2.1 for macOS Safe Exam Browser – SEB for macOS opens a web browser window without navigation elements and locks the computer into a kiosk mode, which prevents from switching to other applications or quitting SEB untimely. Download, Install, or Update the best Mac apps - MacUpdate. Browse apps categories. Sign in Create account. Home Internet Utilities Browsers Safe Exam Browser Download. Download Safe Exam Browser 2.1.4. Complete all steps and get this app. Download your app on ourceforge.net.

Open Activity Monitor in the Utilities folder in Launchpad, and select All Processes on the drop-down menu at the top of the window. Select the process(es) associated with Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 in the list, click Quit Process icon in the left corner of the window, and click Quit in the pop-up dialog box (if that doesn’t work, then try Force Quit).

2. Delete Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 application using the Trash

First of all, make sure to log into your Mac with an administrator account, or you will be asked for a password when you try to delete something.

Open the Applications folder in the Finder (if it doesn’t appear in the sidebar, go to the Menu Bar, open the “Go” menu, and select Applications in the list), search for Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 application by typing its name in the search field, and then drag it to the Trash (in the dock) to begin the uninstall process. Alternatively you can also click on the Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 icon/folder and move it to the Trash by pressing Cmd + Del or choosing the File and Move to Trash commands.

For the applications that are installed from the App Store, you can simply go to the Launchpad, search for the application, click and hold its icon with your mouse button (or hold down the Option key), then the icon will wiggle and show the “X” in its left upper corner. Click the “X” and click Delete in the confirmation dialog.

Download Mac App Remover
3. Remove all components related to Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 in Finder

Though Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 has been deleted to the Trash, its lingering files, logs, caches and other miscellaneous contents may stay on the hard disk. For complete removal of Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2, you can manually detect and clean out all components associated with this application. You can search for the relevant names using Spotlight. Those preference files of Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 can be found in the Preferences folder within your user’s library folder (~/Library/Preferences) or the system-wide Library located at the root of the system volume (/Library/Preferences/), while the support files are located in '~/Library/Application Support/' or '/Library/Application Support/'.

Open the Finder, go to the Menu Bar, open the “Go” menu, select the entry: Go to Folder.. and then enter the path of the Application Support folder:~/Library

Search for any files or folders with the program’s name or developer’s name in the ~/Library/Preferences/, ~/Library/Application Support/ and ~/Library/Caches/ folders. Right click on those items and click Move to Trash to delete them.

Meanwhile, search for the following locations to delete associated items:

  • /Library/Preferences/
  • /Library/Application Support/
  • /Library/Caches/

Besides, there may be some kernel extensions or hidden files that are not obvious to find. In that case, you can do a Google search about the components for Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2. Usually kernel extensions are located in in /System/Library/Extensions and end with the extension .kext, while hidden files are mostly located in your home folder. You can use Terminal (inside Applications/Utilities) to list the contents of the directory in question and delete the offending item.

4. Empty the Trash to fully remove Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2

If you are determined to delete Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 permanently, the last thing you need to do is emptying the Trash. To completely empty your trash can, you can right click on the Trash in the dock and choose Empty Trash, or simply choose Empty Trash under the Finder menu (Notice: you can not undo this act, so make sure that you haven’t mistakenly deleted anything before doing this act. If you change your mind, before emptying the Trash, you can right click on the items in the Trash and choose Put Back in the list). In case you cannot empty the Trash, reboot your Mac.

Download Mac App Remover

Tips for the app with default uninstall utility:

You may not notice that, there are a few of Mac applications that come with dedicated uninstallation programs. Though the method mentioned above can solve the most app uninstall problems, you can still go for its installation disk or the application folder or package to check if the app has its own uninstaller first. If so, just run such an app and follow the prompts to uninstall properly. After that, search for related files to make sure if the app and its additional files are fully deleted from your Mac.

Automatically uninstall Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 with MacRemover (recommended):

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No doubt that uninstalling programs in Mac system has been much simpler than in Windows system. But it still may seem a little tedious and time-consuming for those OS X beginners to manually remove Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 and totally clean out all its remnants. Why not try an easier and faster way to thoroughly remove it?

Download Safe Exam Browser For Mac Installer

If you intend to save your time and energy in uninstalling Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2, or you encounter some specific problems in deleting it to the Trash, or even you are not sure which files or folders belong to Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2, you can turn to a professional third-party uninstaller to resolve troubles. Here MacRemover is recommended for you to accomplish Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 uninstall within three simple steps. MacRemover is a lite but powerful uninstaller utility that helps you thoroughly remove unwanted, corrupted or incompatible apps from your Mac. Now let’s see how it works to complete Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 removal task.

1. Download MacRemover and install it by dragging its icon to the application folder.
2. Launch MacRemover in the dock or Launchpad, select Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 appearing on the interface, and click Run Analysis button to proceed.
3. Review Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 files or folders, click Complete Uninstall button and then click Yes in the pup-up dialog box to confirm Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 removal.

The whole uninstall process may takes even less than one minute to finish, and then all items associated with Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 has been successfully removed from your Mac!

Benefits of using MacRemover:

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MacRemover has a friendly and simply interface and even the first-time users can easily operate any unwanted program uninstallation. With its unique Smart Analytic System, MacRemover is capable of quickly locating every associated components of Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 and safely deleting them within a few clicks. Thoroughly uninstalling Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2 from your mac with MacRemover becomes incredibly straightforward and speedy, right? You don’t need to check the Library or manually remove its additional files. Actually, all you need to do is a select-and-delete move. As MacRemover comes in handy to all those who want to get rid of any unwanted programs without any hassle, you’re welcome to download it and enjoy the excellent user experience right now!

This article provides you two methods (both manually and automatically) to properly and quickly uninstall Safe Exam Browser 1.5.2, and either of them works for most of the apps on your Mac. If you confront any difficulty in uninstalling any unwanted application/software, don’t hesitate to apply this automatic tool and resolve your troubles.

Download Mac App Remover

Current Versions for Windows, macOS and iOS

Software extensions for supported Learning Management Systems:Moodle, ILIAS.


Safe Exam Browser 3.0.1 for Windows 8.1 and 10
SHA1: 8d7e987bd4997b0350a7afcba4b51c3dcfed52b9

Download from GitHub project site.

The next major version of Safe Exam Browser for Windows. SEB 3.x for Windows has been completely refactored and uses Chromium as integrated browser engine. However, SEB 3.0.0 does not yet provide the complete feature set of SEB 2.x (e.g. no Additional Resources). Below a list of the most prominent new features and changes:

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  • New, embedded browser engine (Chromium Version 81.0.4044.138).
  • Dedicated builds for 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.
  • Supports kiosk mode switch when reconfiguring (e.g. from Create New Desktop to Disable Explorer Shell).
  • Action Center (side menu) with same functionality as taskbar (i.e. access to applications and system controls).
  • Lock Screen, which is activated if a prohibited application can’t be terminated.
  • Access to developer tools of browser engine (for web developers).
  • Real-time access to SEB application log (e.g. to test features like the URL filter).
  • New settings to control browser session (for SEB-Moodle Deeper Integration, available in Moodle 3.9 and as plugin for Moodle 3.7 and 3.8).
  • Improved user interface with new features (e.g. thumbnails of open windows in task view [ALT+TAB]).
  • Completely automated build system with unit tests.

Version 3.0.1 contains a fix for the issues some users of SEB 3.0.0 observed specifically in BYOD environments. The new version should prevent that anti-malware software falsely identifies SEB 3.0 as malware (false-positive detection using heuristics and similar algorithms).

SEB 3.0.1 does no longer access the Windows Registry by default. This means that power options (shutdown, reboot) are no longer disabled and the options is the Windows Security Screen (accessed by Ctrl+Alt+Del) are not removed.

SEB still prevents the TaskManager to be used. If you prefer the current behavior, you can disable the new setting 'Ignore SEB Service' (setting key sebServiceIgnore = false). If you are using the SEB Windows Service, some of your students might again have to disable or uninstall anti-malware tools to run SEB, unless that software correctly recognizes SEB and doesn’t block it. We requested vendors of reported anti-malware applications to correct the false-positive detection of SEB 3.0 and so far got a positive answer from Avast and Bitdefender. Please inform us if you about other anti-malware products which block SEB (product name and version).

See release notes for all changes and read the manual for more information.

As SEB 3.0 does not yet support WebRTC functionality (e.g. access to webcams by web applications), we implemented a barebone browser with WebRTC support which can be used as third-party application in a SEB configuration. Visit Chrominimum on GitHub for more information.

Windows Legacy

Safe Exam Browser 2.4.1 for Windows 7, 8.1 and 10
SHA1: aec3ef8a45a40942f8675e7ab77b896e1ce05dba

Download from GitHub project site.

SEB 2.4.1 for Windows is a maintenance release, which can be used if the refactored, more modern version SEB 3.0.1 misses a feature you need. SEB 2.4.1 fixes an issue which was reported to happen when using the SEB-Moodle Deeper Integration (available by default in Moodle 3.9 and as plugin for Moodle 3.7 and 3.8).

Please note our new update policy: We will only support the latest SEB version and will remove all older SEB versions after a grace period. Only with updated SEB versions you can achieve the best possible security and stability of e-assessments. Before asking any support question or reporting a bug, install the latest SEB version and try to reproduce the issue with the most recent version. We can't answer questions anymore when the SEB version isn't mentioned or when you don't confirm you tried it with the current version.

New in SEB 2.4.1:

Download Safe Exam Browser For Macbook Pro

  • Fixed issue when the old browser window stayed open while reconfiguring with seb(s) link, together with the Firefox file open dialog. Should fix issues when using SEB-Moodle Deeper Integration.
  • Implemented fix for VMware Windows Registry error: The Registry value for 'Enable VMware Client Shade' will now only be set if the active configuration explicitly says so (see new setting in SEB Config Tool / Registry / 'Set VMware configuration'. Don't enable this setting if you are not running SEB in a VMware Horizon View virtual desktop.
  • Added Zoom to list of prohibited applications. If you want to use Zoom together with SEB, you have to set its 'Active' property to false (Applications / Prohibited Processes).
  • Added expansion of environment variables in path of permitted processes. This allows to configure applications to run as permitted process, which need to be installed in subdirectories of the user directory, for example %AppData%.

New since SEB 2.4:

  • Config Key feature, hash checksum value to verify settings used by SEB. The Config Key can be generated automatically by a compatible exam system together with the SEB config to be used for an exam. All SEB versions supporting the Config Key generate the same key, as long as the same SEB config file is used.
  • Implemented setting keys to control clearing cookies when starting/ending a session (examSessionClearCookiesOnStart / examSessionClearCookiesOnEnd). This can be used to keep users logged in (SEB started with client settings) after an exam session was started.
  • Now TLS 1.2 is supported for downloading .seb files using sebs:// links.
  • Added more default prohibited processes.
  • Private clipboard should now also work correctly with rich-text editors like TinyMCE (fixed double pasting of text).
  • Additional bugfixes.

See release notes for all changes.

Safe Exam Browser For Windows

Other features:

  • Using the powerful feature 'Additional Resources', external and embedded webpages, full or partial websites, HTML5 web applications and PDF documents can be accessed securely and easily in exams using icons in the SEB task bar (similar to permitted applications) or hierarchical popup menus.
  • Support for encrypted .seb setting files which allow to individually configure SEB per exam. The configuration is compatible with the Windows, Mac and iOS versions of SEB. Use the separate SEB Windows configuration tool to create .seb settings.
  • Buttons in the SEB task bar for back to start, reload page, change keyboard layout, switch Wi-Fi network, change audio volume and a display for the current time improve usability in exams.
  • Feature to quit SEB after the exam is submitted by specifying a quit link and placing this on the summary page displayed by your LMS after submitting the exam.
  • The Browser Exam Key allows an exam module to authenticate the connecting SEB version and its settings. Plug-ins offering this functionality have been released for the learning management systems Moodle and ILIAS, OpenOLAT from version 10.2 has built-in support.
  • Configurable options (per exam) in the user interface: Size and positioning of browser windows (main window with the quiz and additional browser windows) can be preset. The SEB main browser window can be displayed full screen or as a sizable and movable window.
  • Permitted third party applications are easy to start and to switch to (autostart together with SEB and by clicking on its icon in the SEB task bar). Prohibited processes and applications can be defined which are closed when SEB starts up. SEB contains a list of default prohibited processes too.
  • PrintScreen can be blocked, the clipboard is cleared when SEB is started and stopped.
  • Security feature which monitors processes and hinders all non-permitted applications to open, become active and display windows while SEB is running.
  • Individual proxy settings, URL filters and server certificates can be used per exam.
  • SEB config files saved for configuring a client can contain embedded cryptographic identities (X.509 certificates with private key) which will be installed in the Windows Certificate Store and then can be used to decrypt .seb config files without having to use a settings password.
  • Screen saver and idle sleep are paused while SEB is running to prevent having to enter an screen unlock password before the exam starts.

SEB configuration editor for creating and modifying .seb settings files for Safe Exam Browser:

/omnisphere-25-free-download-mac.html. Uploadgig.com: - Omnisphere 2.5.0dLibraries.part01.rar http://uploadgig.com/file/download. Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2.5.1d Crack Free Download Latest Version for Windows. It is full offline installer standalone setup of Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2.5.1d for 32/64. Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2.5.1d Crack Free Download Latest Version for MAC OS. It is full offline installer standalone setup of Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2.5.1d for macOS. Omnisphere 2.5 Free Download Mac 10 9 And this pattern lock will work while browsing speed Offset manage is also in the software. Moreover, this will allow slow down or speed up effects. And also with all these features, you can perform many tasks. Download (Mac) Omnisphere 2 is available as a download for registered users through our Webstore/Techshop. Once you download Omnisphere 2 via the Download Manager, follow this set of instructions to install it on your Mac system.

  • Allows to define all options for the Windows and Mac versions of SEB 2.x.
  • Can save .seb files for individual configuration per exam and per exam client, which are protected by strong encryption against manipulation.
  • Configuration files can configure a SEB exam client to show for example a portal page with the current exams.
  • Configuration files can be used to start an exam with individual configuration (like specific security and user interface options, permitted third party applications and additional resources, Browser Exam Key for authenticating these settings and the SEB application to an exam server, Quit Link to close SEB automatically when an exam is submitted etc.).
  • Supports .seb files encrypted with password or X.509 (public/private key cryptography) certificates. For debugging purposes .seb configuration files can be saved unencrypted in an human readable XML format.

See release notes for all changes and read the manual for more information.


Current version of Safe Exam Browser for macOS 10.15, 10.14, 10.13, 10.12, 10.11 (limited support for 10.10, 10.9, 10.8* and 10.7*)
Build 2E48. SHA1: 6ea7500893d77d2ceb1329557108872f02b0701c

Download from GitHub project site.

SEB 2.2.1 for macOS is a major update, improving security by blocking prohibited processes, adding new capabilities and offering full compatibility to enhanced integrations with learning management systems, like the one available in Moodle 3.9.

  • Prohibited Processes settings for blocking specific processes and applications from running together with SEB.
  • Preset prohibited processes covering communication, screen sharing and recording apps. Let us know if you would like to suggest applications and tools to be added to those preset prohibited processes (we need information about the software and its name and Bundle Identifier (if applicable).
  • Added settings to allow to reconfigure SEB, even it is already running in a secure exam session.
  • Implemented setting keys to control clearing cookies when starting/ending an exam session (examSessionClearCookiesOnStart / examSessionClearCookiesOnEnd). This can be used to keep users logged in from the previous session after an exam session was started (and SEB reconfigured with new settings).
  • Added setting to enable Web Inspector (web developer tools) in Preferences/Browser (same settings key allowDeveloperConsole as in SEB for Windows 3.0. If enabled and right click isn't disabled (see Preferences/Security/Hooked Keys/Enable Right Mouse), you can right click/ctrl-left click on a web page element and open Web Inspector with 'Inspect Element'.
  • Added Mac-specific settings for blocking screen shots and screen recording. The separate settings allow to run SEB correctly in parallel with some remote proctoring tools.
  • Added separate Mac setting for the Private Clipboard feature.
  • Added Mac-specific setting for blocking screen sharing over the network (VNC): key screenSharingMacEnforceBlocked (default: false, then the value of the existing key allowScreenSharing is used).
  • Added all SEB for iOS settings in Preferences window.
  • Fixed that a wrong Config Key was calculated because of specific new default settings added in a new SEB version. This was the cause why SEB 2.1.4 did not work correctly with the new SEB integration in Moodle 3.9.

Fixed SEB 2.2 issues in SEB 2.2.1:

  • Couldn't open Moodle 3.9 (Deeper Integration) quiz by starting SEB with indirect sebs:// link from another browser.
  • Browser Exam and Config Key were not displayed correctly when opening the Preferences/Exams pane directly after loading an exam configuration.
  • Starting SEB by loading configs from indirect sebs:// Links works now regardless of URL filter in client settings.
  • Embedded SSL debug certificate with wildcard domains didn't work.

Main features:

  • Support for encrypted SEB setting files (file type .seb) which allow to individually configure SEB per exam. You can use the same .seb files for starting exams on SEB Windows clients and SEB clients on macOS.
  • Comfortable built-in editor for the platform-independent SEB configuration files, which can also set all additional individual settings for the Windows version.
  • SEB features an optional dock/task bar displaying an icon for the SEB browser with controls for its open browser windows, additional buttons and display widgets.
  • SEB can easily be quit after the exam is submitted by specifying a quit link and placing it on the summary page displayed by your LMS/exam system after submitting the exam.
  • The Browser Exam Key allows an exam module to authenticate the connecting SEB version and its settings. Plug-ins offering this functionality have been released for the learning management systems Moodle and ILIAS, other systems have built-in support: OpenOLAT, Inspera Assessment and others.
  • User interface can be customized: Size and positioning of browser windows (main window with the quiz and additional browser windows) can be preset. Main window can be displayed full screen. An indicator shows network activity.
  • SEB can optionally display the standard macOS menu bar and a tool bar in browser windows, functions like 'About SEB', quit, open preferences, reload page, zoom page/text and browsing back/forward are therefore easier accessible.
  • Enhanced URL filter including teaching mode to control access of the SEB browser to web links and resources. Saved settings files contain URL filter rules which also work in SEB for Windows.

See release notes for all changes and important information about new features and settings in SEB 2.2.1, which might require you to update your SEB configuration files.

* Please note: On macOS 10.7/10.8 SEB can only be used as an exam client, the preferences window is not available. Run SEB on macOS 10.9 or higher to create a .seb configuration file to configure SEB clients running on OS X 10.7/10.8 as well. With default settings, SEB 2.1.4 runs only on macOS 10.11 El Capitan or newer (as macOS 10.10 or older provide a clearly outdated and less compatible WebKit browser engine). You can change this setting if you want students to be able to use older macOS versions.


Current version of SafeExamBrowser for iOS 9.3.5 and newer

SEB for iOS opens a web browser without an address and search bar, loads a pre-configured webpage and locks an iPad (or iPhone or iPod Touch) into a single app kiosk mode.

New in SEB 2.1.17 for iOS:

Download Safe Exam Browser For Macs

  • SEB 2.1.17 runs by default on iOS 14, removed check for running on iOS beta.
  • New scroll lock button for better usability while using some drag-and-drop and drawing question types.
  • Now displaying a disclaimer about the requirement to add an issue description before sending log files to the SEB developers in the integrated mail composer.
  • Now writing SEB and iOS version and device info into log files.
  • Fixed that a different Config Key was calculated on iOS 9/10 than on iOS 13/14 with some rare configuration files containing a deprecated setting.
  • Error message in case AAC couldn't be started properly and device needs to be restarted will only show on iOS versions older than iOS 13.0.
  • Fixed that SEB assumed an opened URL could be a Universal Link if decrypting the config from that URL failed.
  • Fixed a common crash when the 'Search Network' button in the Initial Configuration Assistant is tapped.

Main Features:

  • The single app kiosk mode used by SEB is built into the iOS operating system and therefore provides a high level of security.
  • Students cannot switch to other apps, access other websites or communicate with other students during an exam.
  • Notifications, FaceTime/voice calls and screen shots are also blocked.
  • SEB for iOS works both on unmanaged iOS devices like students' own iPads as well as on iOS devices owned and managed by an institution.
  • SEB for iOS is compatible with the existing versions for macOS and Windows. You can use the same SEB config links and files to start exams in SEB from Safari or Mail or to configure SEB to display your institution's exam system start/portal page.
  • In SEB for iOS exams with individual settings can also be started by QR codes.
  • SEB for iOS can be installed and configured using a mobile device management system, as it supports the iOS feature 'MDM Managed Configuration'.
  • SEB for iOS is also compatible with Apple Classroom.
  • This version contains some new features currently unique to the iOS version and almost all features of the macOS/Windows versions. Please check the compatibility of SEB for iOS version 2.1.14 with your exam system.

See release notes for complete list of new features and changes. Check out the SEB for iOS manual which explains all features (currently being updated for SEB 2.1.16). In addition, we published a first version of a tutorial which will help exam administrators to better understand how to configure and use SEB for iOS. It also includes how SEB for iOS can be used together with the Apple Classroom app. More topics will be added to this tutorial over time.

Learning Management Systems


This plugin ensures that the right and unmodified SEB version using the correct (secure) settings is connecting to a Moodle quiz. After installing this plugin you can copy the Browser Exam Key hash code generated by SEB for the SEB settings used into the quiz settings in Moodle (see manuals for Windows/macOS versions of SEB).


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This plugin ensures that the right and unmodified SEB version using the correct (secure) settings is connecting to an ILIAS instance with a specific user role. After installing this plugin you can copy the Browser Exam Key hash code generated by SEB for the SEB settings used into the ILIAS settings (see manuals for Windows/macOS versions of SEB).